Slip Stream 24/7 – Global Supply and Distribution Company providing 3M Industrial, Commercial & Safety Solutions
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SKU 7000125084
Legacy SKU 70008006689
UPC 10076308001305
Catalog Number 130
Product Number 130

Dynatron Cranker Mechanical Dispenser is a manual dispensing unit that allows for body filler to be dispensed at a controlled rate. No air is required for dispenser to operate.

  • Dispenser controls the flow of body filler
  • Body filler is dispensed without air
  • Mechanical operation is easy to work
  • Sturdy metal construction hold up to wear and tear
  • Versatile dispenser works with either 3 and 5 gallon cans
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Product Dimensions
Imperial Metric
Weight 0 NULL
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Shipping Dimensions
Weight 23.69969 lb
Length 22.08661 in
Width 17.99213 in
Height 2.71654 in
Color Silver


  1. What is the Dynatron™ Cranker Dispenser 130 capable of?

    The Dynatron™ Cranker Dispenser 130 can dispense and apply various types of automotive body filler including putties and glazes.

  2. Can I use multiple sizes of containers with this dispenser?

    Yes, you can use either a 3-gallon or a 5-gallon container with the Dynatron™ Cranker Dispenser 130 as it comes with two pump plungers for both container sizes.

  3. How durable is this product?

    Our customers report that they have used these dispensers for years without any significant wear and tear. This dispenser's heavy-duty construction makes it especially reliable in body shops where efficiency counts.

  4. Would my worker require special training to operate the Dynatron™ Cranker Dispenser 130?

    If your workers already possess basic knowledge on how to handle body fillers and similar products, then using this dispenser should not be difficult at all. We also include step-by-step instructions inside every package to guide them better.

  5. Is there any support offered by the manufacturer like maintenance plans or warranty policies?

    Yes! You will receive full support from our team in case you run into issues when handling our dispenser. Additionally, we offer satisfying customer service before after-sales service options such as maintaining contracts/warranties so that if anything goes wrong, they can be resolved quickly and efficiently.

For industrial/occupational use only. Not for consumer sale or use.
3M industrial and occupational products are intended, labeled, and packaged for sale to trained industrial and occupational customers for workplace use.  Unless specifically stated otherwise on the applicable product packaging or literature, these products are not intended, labeled, or packaged for sale to or use by consumers (e.g., for home, personal, primary or secondary school, recreational/sporting, or other uses not described in the applicable product packaging or literature), and must be selected and used in compliance with applicable health and safety regulations and standards (e.g., U.S. OSHA, ANSI), as well as all product literature, user instructions, warnings, and other limitations, and the user must take any action required under any recall, field action, or other product use notice.  Misuse of 3M industrial and occupational products may result in injury, sickness, death, or property damage.  For help with product selection and use, consult your on-site safety professional, industrial hygienist, or other subject matter expert.
Control the Flow of Body Filler

When working with body filler, automotive technicians will soon discover that the Dynatron™ Cranker Mechanical Dispenser delivers the control that makes a job go smoother. This handy accessory will dispense filler at a controlled rate, not too fast and not too slow. Controlled dispensing allows technicians to stay focused on the job, rather than be distracted by on-the-job frustrations.

Freedom from Air

Because the dispenser operates manually, there is no need for air, allowing you to use it anywhere without running an additional airline.

Solid, Reliable Construction

Sturdy mental construction handles typical body shop conditions.

Versatile Design

This dispenser works with both 3 and 5 gallon cans of body filler.

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