Slip Stream 24/7 – Global Supply and Distribution Company providing 3M Industrial, Commercial & Safety Solutions
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SKU 7000121530
Legacy SKU 62550852099
UPC 00051135084052
Catalog Number 08405
Product Number 08405

3M Flexiclear Body Seam Sealer creates strong and airtight seals on exterior joints and seams. This medium-bodied sealer offers reliable adhesion on hard, impervious automotive surfaces. This is a low modular sealer, a formulation which offers more elasticity for applications where flexibility is required.

  • CLEAR COLOR: Low profile, non-yellowing formula
  • LOW MODULAR: Sealer stays flexible once cured
  • FAST-DRYING FORMULA: May be painted in as few as 45 minutes
  • CAULK STYLE DISPENSING SYSTEM: Offers convenient application
  • APPLICATIONS INCLUDE: Sealing of vinyl roof tops, opera-style windows, headlight/taillight seams and more
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On it's way to you Early July, 2024  


Minimum Order 12 Items
Order Increment 12 Items
  Multiple Application Use
  Superior Performance
  Global Shipping
  Industry Low Price
Product Dimensions
Imperial Metric
Weight 0.7797 lbs
Width 11.29921
Length 2
Height 2
Shipping Dimensions
Weight 9.35642 lb
Length 12.08661 in
Width 8.34646 in
Height 6.73228 in
Color Transparent


  1. What is 3M™ Flexiclear™ Body Seam Sealer, 08405 used for?

    The 3M™ Flexiclear™ Body Seam Sealer, 08405 is specifically designed to seal auto body seams and joints. It can also be used as a seam sealer for truck trailers.

  2. How much does the cartridge contain?

    The cartridge contains a volume of 1/10 gallon (0.4 liters) of the sealer.

  3. Are there different colors available for this product?

    No, the standard color for 3M™ Flexiclear™ Body Seam Sealer, 08405 is beige; however, it can be painted over upon application.

  4. Can I purchase just one cartridge of this sealer or do I have to buy it by the case?

    :Yes! You are able to purchase single cartridges from your local dealer or distributor but note that they come in cases of twelve units per pack.By buying in bulk you get better value on each unit and secure your supply if demand was high.

For industrial/occupational use only. Not for consumer sale or use.
3M industrial and occupational products are intended, labeled, and packaged for sale to trained industrial and occupational customers for workplace use.  Unless specifically stated otherwise on the applicable product packaging or literature, these products are not intended, labeled, or packaged for sale to or use by consumers (e.g., for home, personal, primary or secondary school, recreational/sporting, or other uses not described in the applicable product packaging or literature), and must be selected and used in compliance with applicable health and safety regulations and standards (e.g., U.S. OSHA, ANSI), as well as all product literature, user instructions, warnings, and other limitations, and the user must take any action required under any recall, field action, or other product use notice.  Misuse of 3M industrial and occupational products may result in injury, sickness, death, or property damage.  For help with product selection and use, consult your on-site safety professional, industrial hygienist, or other subject matter expert.
Product Description

3M™ Flexiclear™ Body Seam Sealer 08405

3M™ Flexiclear™ Body Seam Sealer 08405 is designed to create strong and airtight seals on exterior joints and seams. This medium-bodied sealer provides reliable adhesion on hard, impervious exterior automotive surfaces. It is formulated as a low modular sealer, offering increased elasticity for applications that require flexibility.

Dry Time: 45 Minutes

Work Time: 5-10 Minutes

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